If you want to add years to your life, try moving to the Nicoya Peninsula on the Pacific Coast of Costa Rica. Researchers have found that people in this region are commonly living to the age of 100 or more without suffering so much as a headache. There are four other regions like this in the world, and researchers have dubbed them as “blue zones.” However, the Nicoya Peninsula in Costa Rica is the biggest blue zone on earth, and is home to hundreds of centenarians.
Wondering what their secret is? It’s fairly simple: lifestyle. Frankly, these people live a lifestyle that includes a healthy diet, daily exercise, and a low stress life that incorporates family, purpose, religion, and meaning. Perhaps it’s easier said than done.
While many people come to Costa Rica to relax and lounge on the beach, Nicoyans are going about their busy daily lives making tortillas or working in the fields. Costa Ricans in the Nicoya Peninsula are hard workers, take pleasure in daily chores, and are active throughout their entire lives.
Staying active plays a huge part in longevity for Nicoyans, but diet is a major factor as well. They believe strongly in their history and cherish tradition, and so, for the most part, they stick to a traditional diet of fortified maze and beans. Researchers have noted that this may be the very best combination for longevity the world has ever seen.
The environment also plays a role in Nicoyans longevity. The Nicoya Peninsula is located on Costa Rica’s Pacific Coast, and its climate allows Nicoyans plenty of sunshine. It is known that regular,
“smart”, sun exposure provides vitamin D and can help supplement nutrients received through diet. Vitamin D deficiency has been linked with a plethora of health problems, so make sure to get your daily dose of sunshine!
Friends and family seem to be another key ingredient in longevity. Nicoyans enjoy and embrace the people around them. Their neighbors, friends, and family all provide Nicoyans with a sense of belonging, of purpose, and support. Many centenarians in this region live with their family, their children or grandchildren.
So, perhaps if you stay active, eat right, embrace those around you, and choose somewhere beautiful and sunny to live, like Costa Rica, you too can enjoy a long, healthy, happy life.